Archive for 2008

The Best on Gaza

Bush Pardons Man who helped Bombing of Damascus

Gaza and the Geronimo Effect

Gaza Killings Divide Arab Countries Further

Top 5 reasons why Israel is attacking Gaza

Peace Talks and the Economy

Syria is the Only Game in Town

News Round Up (December 19, 2008)

Waging Peace in Atlanta, by Britta Froelicher


Obama likely to appoint Ross, Kurtzer and Indyk says Haaretz

Ali Khan – The Golan and Quneitra

Economy: Syria Avoids Recession

Carter in Damascus as US and Israel try to Pressure Syria on UN inspections

Netanyahu Agrees to Give Syria Talk, but Not Golan

Life on the edge

“Forces of Stability: Syria and Iran or the USA?” by Jihad Makdissi

Ali Khan, “Dispatch from Damascus 12: Preparing for Eid”

Hariri Tribunal Revives Speculation and Spin

News Round UP (6 December 2008)

“US Signals it plans to return an ambassador to Damascus,” says Assad

“The Two Emigrants المهاجران,” Reviewed by Ketan Gajria

“Giving Back the Golan Will Not Be Easy,” by Shai

IMF Report on Syria: Non- oil exports increased 23.5 percent

“Start With Syria” by Aaron David Miller

Obama T-shirt From the “Axis of Evil”

“A New U.S. Policy For Syria,” by Seth Kaplan

Nukes, Obama Policy Advice, the New Team

“Can Syria change its image?” by S. Farah

Ali Khan: Dispatch from Damascus 10

Are There Non-Sectarian Parties in Syria: The case of the SSNP?

“We will not allow another [IAEA] visit”

The Nuclear Mess – Where Does it Leave Syria?

Britain and Syria Resume Intelligence Sharing

“No longer the pariah President,” by Peter Beaumont

Ali Khan – Dispatch from Damascus 9

“Murder in Abou Kamal,” by Imad Moustapha

Emanuel Apologizes for Father’s ‘Arab’ Comments, but Press Doen’t Publish Except on Blogs

“Listening to Syria” by David Lesch

Syria blames Israeli bombs for uranium traces

ADC on Anti-Arab remarks of Emmanuel’s father

“Syria stops aid vessel unloading Iraq refugees’ rice” by Oweis

IAEA Irked at “Premature” Syria Nuclear Disclosures

Traces Of Uranium found in Syria: Moallem Says No More Searches

Major Oil Strike in Latakia?

Rumsfeld’s secret raids on Syria

Ali Khan – “Dispatch from Damascus 8”

Yoav Stern discusses his coverage of Syrian affairs

Emanuel’s Father Calls Arabs Floor Cleaners

Sami Moubayed Sets the Record Straight

Obama Dispatches Malley to Syria?

Syrian TV shows men ‘confessing’ to deadly bomb blast

“Obama Aims to Engage Foreign Allies, Adversaries,” by Jay Solomon

Obama and the Middle East

“American dream expelled from Syria” by Sami Moubayed

Bush’s Final Violent Outburst Causes Exasperation

Syrian Officials Deny Syrian Complicity in Raid

Imad Moustapha on Raid: Newsweek & FP

Comments from Jihad Makdissi

12 Opposition Leaders Sentenced

Petreaus Proposed Visiting Syria: VP Refused him Permission.

Protests in Damascus

“Twilight Struggle” by Eli Lake

Flipping Peace Tracks Again?

Raid Coverage by Wash Post, Moubayed, LATimes, NYTimes,

More on the Raid

Is the US Raid is a “Parting Shot” by the White House?

Syria accuses U.S. in deadly helicopter attack

“Dispatch from Damascus 6,” by Ali Khan

News Round Up (25 Oct. 2008)

Interview with Ambassador Imad Moustapha: Peace Talks, Hizbullah, Palestine

Asma Al-Asad: “Excuse me! I do not have “good relations” with Christians”

News Round Up (19 Oct. 2008)

“The Collapse of Kouefati Industries – Aleppo in Shock,” by Ehsani

News Round Up (17 Oct. 2008)

Has Assad’s Social Base Narrowed or Expanded?

Syria’s Joint Bank Venture: Syrian Embassy to Open in Lebanon

“Syria-Israel Peace: The Impact on Non-State militias” by Landis

“What to talk to Iran About,” by Baer

News Round Up (11 October 2008)

Syria plays hardball with the Saudis, by Sami Moubayed

News Round Up (8 Oct. 2008)

Reader’s Comment on “Why Syria Doesn’t Want War”

US to Lift Sanctions on Syria? More on Syrian Military North of Lebanon

Why Syria Doesn’t Want War with Israel

“Syria Talks Spur Speculation” by Jim Lobe & More…

US-Syrian Thaw: Welsh and Muallem Talk

Syrian Troops on the Lebanese Border are to Confront Smuggling

The Bombing and More.

Car Bomb in Damascus and Rise of Salafi Groups in Region

Syria explosion: Car bomb kills 17 in Damascus

How Syria’s Assad Is Steering His Country out of Isolation

News Roundup (22 Sept 2008)

Syria Comment Returns + News Roundup

Livni Wins Vote to Lead Kadima

Baker calls Bush ‘ridiculous’ on Syria

Syria Comment Goes off-line for Maintenance

News Round UP (13 Sept. 2008)

News Round Up (12 Sept. 2008)

Patrick Seale on the Damascus Summit

News Round UP (9 Sept. 2008)

Difficult Decisions for Assad, but Syrian Art Sizzles

Hokayem and Young on the Assad-Sarkozy Summit

Economic News About Syria (6 Sept 2008)

News Roundup (6 Sept. 2008)

Sarkozy in Syria

The Middle East Waits for America

Along the Road to Damascus, lessons in conflict resolution.

Israel Peace Negotiator Quits; Hamas Leader Leaves Damascus

Competing with the Syrian government itself and wining hands down

News Round UP (1 Sept. 2008)

Syria & Lebanon Should Hold Simultaneous Talks With Israel

Flooding in Damascus: Mosquitoes Cheer

Bush’s Policy of No Dialogue with Syria is Costing US Lives

Has the US Missed a Chance for Arab – Israeli Peace?

Kouchner Visits Syria

Lebanese Sovereignty continued

Lebanese Sovereignty: Where Does Syria Stand?

“Template for peace is inclusion” by Paul Keating

Syria at the Olympics

Biden on Syria

New Cold War or Merely Jockeying for Position? What Does Syria Want?

Syria’s Response to the Russian-Georgian Conflict

Obama Adviser Kurtzer Advises Syria to Do More for Peace

IDAF’s Observations on his Month-long Trip Around Syria

Ehsani’s Observations Following a Two Week Visit to Aleppo

News Round Up (18 Aug. 2008)

News Round Up (12 Aug. 2008)

Assassination Speculation

Aref Dalileh released

Muhammad Suleiman Murdered

Building Towards Peace

News Round-Up (August 1, 2008)

Syria is Ready for Peace.

Andrew Tabler: “The U.S. Can Help Tackle Syrian Corruption”

Walid Jumblatt Sets a New Course

Odds and Ends

News Round Up (27 July 2008)

Samir al-Taki’s talk at the Brookings Institute in Washington DC

“U.S. to meet three Syrians, but no warming in ties”

Daoudi Cancels Trip to Washington: Syria-US Relations Remain… Well.. Not Good

“Regional Players Bypass Washington In Brokering Deals,” by Jay Solomon

News Round Up (20 July 2008)

“Lancing the Boil: Hizbullah’s Future in Lebanon”/ by Qifa Nabki

“Some Remarks on Syria,” by Observer

Mead takes on Walt & Mearsheimer on Why the US is pro-Israel

The Prisoner Swap Controversy

“Interview with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia” by Alix Van Buren

“The Christians are Leaving” by Salim Abraham

Lebanon’s Christians Are Back — ICG: by Peter Harling

News Round Up (15 June 2008)

America’s Role in Israel-Syria Talks

Iran Warns Syria Against Peace with Israel

Assad in Paris

Paris 2008, Paris 1998

A Good News Cycle for Syria

Assad Insists on Syria’s Central Role in the Region: France Agrees: US Divided

Lebanon Gets a Government

As Paris Boosts Assad, US Adds Sanctions (10 July 2008)

Assad: “Bush Cannot Make Peace;” Economist on Syria’s Economic Outlook

Syria marks ‘year of St Paul’

Prison Riot, Golan, Syria Heads East

Bashar al-Assad Walking the Tight-Rope

Prisoner Swap; Golan; Negotiations

Syrian-Israeli Talks, More Iran

Palestinians, Refugees, Turks, Aleppines, Arar, Bloggers

Donating Books to Syria: Advice from Mr. Abed

Books for Syrian Universities – Mr. Haytham Abed


New Books by Evelyn Shakir, Keith Watenpaugh, and Sabrina Marvin

News Round Up (28 June 2008)

“We Salute Syria” for its “Generosity” and “Cooperation,” said James Foley

The US and Siniora seek to push back against Hizbullah and the Opposition

The Syria Comment Hall of Fame

News Round Up (20 June 2008)

“Language Atlas of Syria” reviewed by Nikolaos van Dam

“The Struggle for Power in Syria” by Van Dam reviewed by Josh Landis

“Syria’s Assad Says More Groundwork Needed Before Olmert Meeting”

Interpol says Syria “very cooperative” on Terrorism: US Oil Majors Back in Iraq

Olmert: If there is Peace with Syria, the reality in the region will change

Syria Pegs Hopes on India and Econ. Liberalization

“Should America push political reform in the Middle East?” by Eva Bellin

Will Assad and Israeli President Shimon Peres Meet in Paris?

“Obama’s Mideast Experts Emphasize Talks,” by Jay Solomon

“What Syria stands for: The moral argument for US friendship with Syria,” by S. Farah

Can the US and France agree on a Post-Doha Lebanon Policy?

Turkey and Syria Discuss Nuclear Cooperation

Bashar Will Always Have Paris: Obama has AIPAC

News Round Up (10 June 2008)

Economic and Political Isolation of Syria Crumbling Fast

Moubayed on the Lebanese Cabinet: News Roundup (7 June 2008)

Assef Shawkat Hubbub Debunked

Syria Squashes Coup Attempt, Die Welt claims

“An Israel-Syria deal is strategically vital for both,” by Shlomo Ben-Ami

“It’s Time to Talk to Syria” by Kerry and Hagel

“Israel, Don’t Undermine Beirut,” by Joshua Landis with Help from David Schenker

“America’s Gulf Arab allies and Syria,” by Alex

Q & A with President Assad in Dubai

News (4 June 2008)

“Lebanese and Syrian Leaders as Seen by a Harvard Graduate Student,” by Kiernan